Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Tim Tam Slam

Location: Beijing, China
Local Time: Sunday, May 29, 2006 - 10:56am

I finally did it, a Tim Tam Slam.

What the heck is that?

Well, while in Pai in northern Thailand I met an Australian girl, Zoe, who introduced me to the fine Australian delicacy known as a Tim Tam. For those of you whose lives have yet to be enriched by this fine chocolatey goodness, a quick description is in order.

A Tim Tam is a couple of wafers with chocolate in the middle, then completely covered by chocolate. The taste, well, it can only be experienced, not described.

There are fake Tim Tams in Thailand, the made in Thailand variety, but these are not good. Don't eat them. In Pai, we were fortunate that Zoe found some good Tim Tams, imported from Australia.

At that time, she described a Tim Tam Slam to me, but, lacking a good coffee shop, I did not partake.

A Tim Tam Slam is when you bite the ends off the Tim Tam and then suck the coffee up through the Tim Tam as if it was a straw. The hot coffee melts the chocolatey goodness, and you get a mouthful of chocolate coffee. But the goodness does not stop there. The coffee soaks through the wafers and you eat the Tim Tam.

Well, this morning, finally, I had some Tim Tams, and steamed milk. Sorry, I'm still not a coffee drinker, so I'll have to live with this variation.

The result? Well, I highly recommend you get a box of Tim Tams and give it a try.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well obviously I'm going to have to find an Australian food importer here in Vancouver..... :D Sounds awesome!

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

slam it baby! Slam that it, you Tim Tam Slammin' Man!!!! Whoo! Yeah!


5:10 AM  

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