Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Thursday, December 22, 2005

It's back ....

Location: Nangi, Nepal
Local Time: Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 - 12:40pm

We had a brief problem with the network. For two days we couldn't contact the station in Pokhara, which has the connection to the Internet. So, no Internet access.

I was having trouble sleeping, no appetite and I was starting to get these odd twitching movements in my head.

And to top it all off, I woke up at about 2am this morning to the sound of running water. I wandered into the kitchen to find that the facet was running at full blast. Now most of the time, full blast is only a trickle. About once a week, full blast is the sound of air gushing out. But today, full blast had some pressure shooting out. Also, because I'm so observant and stuff, I noticed that someone had tied a cloth rag around the facet handle. A bad sign. Yes, the facet had been broken after I went to bed the night before, and gushed water all night, until midmorning when they found someone to come fix it.

At about 11am, Leal headed off to a nearby village where they can contact Pokhara. Nangi has no phones or communication devices, except the wireless network, which wasn't working. So we didn't even know if Pokhara was aware of the problem yet. Sometimes it is something simple, like the plug has wiggled in the power bar and the radio isn't getting power.

A half hour after Leal left, all my symptoms fled as I observed this in the command window:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=127

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 6ms, Maximum = 8ms, Average = 7ms


I can ping the gateway once again. Connectivity resumes. Leal is spending the day walking the mountains for no reason at all. Poor guy.

Some might say I have an addiction, and there are support groups. Since my addiction is useful to society, my support groups are called companies, and they pay me.

They don't, however, try to cure me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you know what they always say: "You can take the geek out of the computer lab, but you can't take the computer lab out of the geek." Or was it, "you can lead a geek to a compiler but you can't make him drink"? I dunno, something like that.

Perhaps we should start a 12-step program?

12:15 AM  

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