Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Friday, December 09, 2005

More Network Configuration

Location: Nangi, Nepal
Local Time: Friday, December 9, 2005 - 5:48pm

Well, another day, another hike. You know, Robert Service once said:

I've stood at the edge of some mightly mouthed hollow
that's plum full of hush to the brim
I've watched the big husky sun wallow,
in crimson and gold and grow dim
Till the moon set the perlly peaks gleaming,
and the stars tumbled out neck and crop
And I've thought that I surely was dreaming,
with peace of the world piled on top.

He might have been writing of the Yukon, but he was speaking of the Himalayas.

We walked from Nangi to Ramche, where there is a school and a clinic. We tried to configure wireless internet access in both the school (there is a single computer for grades 1-6) and the clinic (where they want to do telemedicine.) We couldn't get a connection. Mahabir thinks that the antenna at Relay Station 1 is pointing directly to Nangi, and doesn't cover a wide enough spread to get Ramche too. So, we left the equipment at the clinic pointing towards Nangi. Tommorrow we will configure another antenna from Nangi to point to Ramche (there is line of sight between the villages.)

Okay, got to go to the library for a novel. Later.


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